Miletus is located at the mouth of the Meander River. It was occupied since the Bronze Age. It was mentioned in Hittite texts. Later it was part of Ionia.

In the 7th century BCE it was an important kingdom, but Lydia was too powerful for Miletus. It remained an important commercial center from 700 BCE to 700 CE. Later the harbor silted up and the importance of Miletus declined.

Miletus was home of Thales of Miletus (624 BCE - 546 BCE). He was an astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher. He was especially involved in geometry (Thales' Theorem). He is said to have predicted a solar eclipse.

The show piece of Miletus is its large, well preserved theater.

Close-by is the İlyas Bey Camii, a mosque built in 1404, dating from the period after the Seljuks but before the Ottomans.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Bouleuterion Left Southern Agora
The bouleuterion (left) and the southern Agora (right). (857k)
Hellenistic Hero's Tomb
Hellenistic Hero's Tomb. (818k)
Baths Faustina
Baths of Faustina. (1035k)
İlya Bey Camii Mosque
İlya Bey Camii mosque with a stork nest on top. (666k)
Close-up Decorations Mosque
Close-up of the decorations on the mosque. (471k)
Front View Large Theater
Front view of the large Theater. (1031k)
View Top Theater Caravanserai
View from the top of the Theater with the caravanserai. (957k)
View Stage Top Theater
View of the stage from the top of the Theater. (950k)
Detail Theater Seats
Detail of the theater seats. (791k)

This page contains 9 pictures

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