The ancient city of Khryse was famous for its 2nd century Ionic temple dedicated to Apollo and its mice. When Cretan colonists came to the area, they consulted an oracle as to where to settle. The oracle told them to settle where "the sons of the earth" attacked them. One morning they awoke, to find mice chewing their equipment. They decided to stay there and built a temple dedicated to Smintheion, Lord of the Mice and to Apollo.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

View Temple Remaining Columns
View of the temple with the remaining columns. (821k)
One of the columns. (801k)
Part Temple Complex
Part of the temple complex. (1298k)
Buildings Complex
One of the buildings in the complex. (1145k)
Carved Column Base
Carved column base. (996k)

This page contains 5 pictures

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Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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